Meet Our Team


Janey Enticott
Owner / Instructor
Janey Enticott | Jazzercise Bucks & Oxon

I found Jazzercise when my eldest son was about a year old. I’d moved to a new area, with a young child having had an emergency C section and was feeling unfit and lonely! Who knew that class would change the course of my life? I have been hooked ever since, and that baby was followed by two more. When we moved to a new house again, with a young family, I knew I would find my tribe at the local Jazzercise class. In 2016 I took over the franchise in my area and set about getting more instructors trained to add classes to our timetable. It’s been a huge learning curve and incredibly rewarding.

I have a background in ballet and contemporary dance, and firmly believe that technique will set you free. I am quite hot on how to do the moves correctly but chat constantly about all sorts of things to keep the class fun. I teach senior classes too, proving that all ages and abilities love to dance and it’s just the best way to keep moving, make friends and keep you smiling!

Day Job - Jazzercise Class Owner -Started Jazzercise 2000, Qualified 2009. Also Wife, daughter, sister (to 6) and Mum to 3 boys and dog mum to Poppy, a LabStaffBoxAtion (in other words, a mix!)

Favourite Class Format - Has to be the classic Cardio Sculpt

Something Unique - I’m a keen needlepoint enthusiast. I was commissioned by Princess Diana to sew Christmas Stockings for William and Harry when they were children. I met her twice and had a cup of tea at Kensington Palace with her and a colleague! She commented on my lovely dancer’s posture!!


Amelia Allen
Amelia Allen

When did you start Jazzercising? I started when I was about 16, took a break for Uni, and rejoined about 2 years ago - I couldn’t keep away!

When did you start teaching? 2024. I qualified in February and have been having a ball since!

Day job - A primary school teacher in Aylesbury

What got you into Jazzercise? My Mum started Jazzercise a few years ago in Waddesdon and persuaded me to join her. We had a great time together and after I came back from University, I went with her to Sarah’s class in Thame and was hooked again! My Mum was also very enthusiastic about me training to become an instructor, and with her and Janey’s encouragement, I took the plunge and signed up! I’ve had a great time on the stage and can’t wait for many years of dancing with lots of fabulous people!

Describe yourself as an instructor - Dancey, bouncy and fun - I love turning anything into a dance party whenever I can!

Favourite class format - Cardio Sculpt

Lucy Bolding
Lucy Bolding

Describe yourself as an instructor - It depends on my mood!! I enjoy taking people away from the demands and strains of "real" life to have fun on the dance floor whilst growing stronger and healthier.

What do your customers say about you as an instructor? Something nice I hope!

When did you start Jazzercising? Started 2008, Qualified 2012

Day job - Training & Performance Development Specialist at Jazzercise Inc

Kids/Pets - Two kiddies that keep me busy! No pet's but the kids would love a dog!

Other hobbies - I love spending times with Family & Friends. Learning about Nutrition. Oh and trainer shopping but don’t tell Stewart!

What got me into Jazzercise - My friend Gemma asked me to go with her to class at Lacy Green and the rest as they say is history!

Something unique - I love learning and trying new things, in 2019 I completed my first Triathlon and more recently I joined a Masters Cheerleading Team.

Favourite class format - So hard to choose but I do love mixing things up so will have to go for Power Sculpt.

Sarah Holgate
Sarah Holgate

Describe yourself as an Instructor - I hope that I encourage my class to sing, dance & really enjoy themselves but also work hard. I aim to help my class to reach their goals whatever they may be, from fitness, to meeting new friends.

Day job - Full time Trade Marketing Manager.

Kids/pets - Two gorgeous little children.

Other hobbies - Jazzercise is my hobby - Started 2010, Qualified 2016

What got you into Jazzercise? The gym never worked for me. I was in my late 20's, eating too much & it was starting to show. I needed to get my body moving & fast!! My Auntie was going to an exercise class that she enjoyed & recommended I try it. I was hooked from the first class! I love to dance at the occasional friends/family party & this was exactly that!

Something unique about you/or something people wouldn’t expect - I was always a very shy person and found it difficult to make small talk with new people that l meet, let alone get up on stage in front of a crowd. Jazzercise has enabled me to conquer my fears & like myself both inside & out. I now have the best friends that I get to dance with every week and I am a lot more confident! I believe you must try everything at least once, so you can cross it off your list - how do you know if you haven't tried it?

Favourite Class Format - Cardio Sculpt

Tania Smith
Tania Smith

When did you start Jazzercising? - On and off, I've Jazzercised since 2009, I think.

When did you start teaching? 2020!

Day job Technician Co-Ordinator for a local plumbing and heating company

What got you into Jazzercise? I’ve always done some form of dance - I did tap and modern jazz for many years as a child. I got bored of the gym but was struggling to find a form of exercise that challenged me but that I also enjoyed. I really wanted to find something that was dance based, my mum started Jazzercise and said she thought I’d like it - after one class I was hooked!

Pets/children I have two daughters and a tortoise called Arthur (although it's a girl - long story!) who lives in the garden.

What made you want to instruct? I love the energy and feel good factor that Jazzercise gives me and I really want to be able to pass that feeling on to others. I like motivating people and giving others a boost!

Something unique about you: Until recently, I did pole fitness for 10 years which I am hoping to get back to soon. I also love burlesque dancing and rollerskating - I even have my own skates!

Siew-Yen Tew

Describe yourself as an instructor - I’m neither a dancer nor a fitness professional but I’m a stickler for good technique. I want my customers to have a brilliant time but still get the maximum benefits from their workout

What do your customers say about you as an instructor - Bossy but fun

Day Job - Data Administrator at a local secondary school, Co-Chair at a local primary school and volunteer at the Buckinghamshire Archives

What got me into Jazzercise - After an unsuccessful membership at the gym, I saw an advert in the paper for Jazzercise. It stayed on my fridge for about 3 months but when I finally went to my first class, I was hooked!

Favourite class format - Cardio Sculpt