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Bucks & Oxon · 0044 7739186231

Summer 2023

School's out for Summer! But that doesn't mean your fitness routine is out too. With the longer evenings it feels easier to get to class once the kids are settled, or you can take advantage of the early mornings to get your workout done before the rest of the day sidetracks you. You can always join us online via our streaming website - MyFitPro, so you don't even have to leave the house. Several clients have joined us from their holiday destinations too, now that's dedication!

From the 1st July to the end of August we are running a fun attendance bingo game. Pick up your tracking card in class and complete 30 boxes to win a fun little pampering prize.

There are a few changes to the timetable over the summer as School events use the halls and Instructors are away, we always endeavour to offer an alternative where possible. Keep an eye on the booking platform for the updates.